Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2
Big Girls
Don’t Cry
: Hey
vira, I am so sad vira.
Why do you looks so sad ? please tell me about your problem ?
yeah vira my boy friends hurt my heart. Actually, he have a special
reliationship with my best friend. I am so sad vira. Its killing me so.
: Don’t be sad dien. I also have a same experience with you
Dien : Oh really ? if you want to tell me about
your problem. I will hear you and maybe can solve our problem.
: oke I will tell you about my problem.
Three days ago I am broken
heart. My boy friend also have a
special reliationship with my best friend. Actually I
love him very much and i want to live with
him. Everything I do for him. But when he say we
should better than separated. I don’t
believe.It’s so sick for me.
Dien : You must forget him. Try to do it.
: I dont know dien, i love him but he dont love me anymore. He looks
so good and nice boy in front of me. But, he makes me cry and cry again. I’m very shock and don’t know what to do.
I also cry when he leave me alone. But, i think he is not my level. And love not just for me
and him, Many boys better than him. I am big girls dont cry. You should think like me vira.
Vira ; Yeah dien i know,but i
think its so hard for me.
Dien : Start from yourself vira. You must think about everything you like. For example
is thinks about yoor hobbies, hang out with your friends and etc.
Vira : Oke dien.,I will try but I still wishing
that he would come back to me.
Dien : Vira, open your eyes, your heart and your
mind ! In my opinion I will find new boy friends because remember him its not
important for me. Its waste my time . He
have been hurt of my heart. Actually he don’t love me. I want to forget my ex
boyfriends and have a new life. New life and new hope.
Vira : Oke dien . I don’t know maybe because i have
been third years with him. In my head
record about our sweet memory. How do I live without him? How do I ever ? How
do I ever survive? This love is deepest in my heart. I don’t know about this feeling
.its so complicated.
Dien : Vira, life just for fun and not just for
love. Love will find you if you try. I think if he come back to you, this
situation is very different. Because I don’t want to make the same of mistake.
For me its better than separated. I am grateful
because god publish to me about
my ex boyfriend and he is not the best
for me. In this time all I know.
Vira : Yeah, I know. God give me needed but
sometimes and not give our wished.
Dien : yes, good !! do something for yourself.
Vira : I must be strong. I think if I will wait for
him . Its so stupied. I want to change my live. I don't care babe who's right
or wrong .I just don't love him no more. Maybe with eat chocolate and ice cream
Dien : Hmmf..,
I love chocolate. What about go to the dapur chocolate. Its near from
here. You can find all about chocolate.
Vira : Yeah dien thaks for your solution. But I
want to banana split in Zangrandi. Its so yummy. Combination bananas, ice
cream, nuts and almont make you feel happy.
Dien : Ok vira,. Lets go!
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