
Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 8

A motorist getting the ticket

At the crowded city , a someone have traffic arrangement at turn of  Tunjungan Plaza.

Police                  : Stop …!
Amel                   : Yes , mam…
What happen ? why you stop my car ?
Police                  : You Know sign at turn of Tunjungan Plaza ? this sign forbidden not turn , but why you still turn of at here ?
Amel                   : Sorry mam , I’m sorry , I don’t know with this sign. I don’t  see .

Amel following police at police office to discuss her problem.

Amel                   : Oh.. my good.. I forget bring my driver license mam .. I really mam , I’m not untrue mam .. Please belive me ..
Police                  : You many motive for to contradict your mistake . I’m not believe you and now I will give you pruff of traffic.
Amel                   : Please mam , I really don’t see this sign and I’m new inhabitant in here .
Police                  : I don’t care with your reason.
Amel                   : I have many mam , I choose peace with you mam .
Police                  : you know I’m police, and I don’t need you money. Okey, now I will give you proof of traffic and you can solve your mistake at court of justice .
Amel                   : Okey mam , I’m sorry  

Ayu dewi  =  Police

Amalia QA  =  Driver

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